Welcome To Bill Harmon's Web Space

The Verdun American High School closed effective May 1, 2018. I started this website just over 20 years ago. Some year ago I needed surgery on my left hand and arm. The recovery was difficult and additional surgery followed but in the end I never fully recovered and have lost the use of my left hand and fingers for fine motor skills. In other word I can't keyboard with my left hand. This is the reason that there have not been visible updates but did managed to do what was required to keep the web site on line. The access to that web site has dropped off because it has not been updated and facebook has provided a useful place for connections with classmates and friends.

The cost of that website was just over $120 per year and I have decided to move the content to my own personal web space. You can access that site at:


If anyone has an interest in taking over the The Verdun Web site please let me know and I will work with you to get it updated and current either here or at another location on the WEB.  I can be contacted as follows:

William L Harmon

VAHS Class of 1961

webmaster@wlh.space or wlh@protonmail.com

Link To Some Of My Files

My 2017 Jeep Sport