Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 11:29:04 -0600
From: <>
Subject: addition
Dear Bill,

I found your web site because I contacted a former classmate on and she
suggested that I check out this special
site.  It is indeed special and it has brought back many
memories.  I keep having flashbacks of names and faces and special events.  I have yearbooks
 from 64, 65 and 66.  Those were
the years that I attended VAHS.  I went to 8th and 9th grade at
Toul R.  My Dad was stationed at Chambley, my first year at Verdun I rode the bus back and 
forth.  That got old fast and I
convinced my parents to allow me to stay in the dorm.  
My name is
Linda Ann Long, I was married, but am now divorced and have returned to my 
maiden name.  Friends can contact me at:   My address is 

3538 Grand Ave S  Apt.100
Minneapolis, Mn. 55408   
Phone 612-827-1972.  

I would love to
hear from anyone who remembers me.  I have already found two long
lost friends that I will soon contact.  Thanks for your work on this site and your dedication
 to all of us.   


Linda Long

From: Teague Paul S Maj 4th BCD/Intel <>
To: "Bill Harmon" <>
Subject: Pics
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 10:45:17 +0100
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)
Bill, I am in the army in Germany. I visit Verdun often. Let me know what
you want pics of and send me your address, I would be glad to mail them. Maj

Major Paul S. Teague
Chief, Intelligence Section
4th BCD
DSN 480-9767

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 14:07:11 -0700 
From: Subject: (no subject) 

Bill Harmon,

Hi Bill, I'm Gary Witt, class of '59. I recently discovered a large stack of copies of the school paper,
 " Falcon Feathers ". All date from the 58-59 school year and are in pretty good shape. Most are 
mimeographed, some are on good quality paper with photos. Be happy to research and send 
copies to anyone interested. Seems as if everyone enrolled got their name mentioned at least once.


Gary Witt

Date:  09/21/2000
From: Paul Miller <> 
To: "W.L. \(Bill\) Harmon" <> 

Hello I am here in Verdun;I have a meeting tomorrow with the city and deputy mayor: 
I am trying to open a museum dedicated to all of us Americans who lived and
worked here since WW 1 and after: sorry for the bad letter: 
I am in a stress today: so please forward this to all time to do it:while i live on a small
va check and it cost to much to use this here:  best wishes from Paul E Miller;
I am in the Post office using a French keyboard.

From: "Cheralyn Powers"
Subject: VAHS site 
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:35:16 -0500 

Dear Bill, 

I have just found this site, after being contacted by John Everly, following my registering with the
Military Brats Registry.  What a great find this was! I had to laugh out loud at the Cooper et al picture,
which was taken the year before I arrived, but of course seemed familiar. I think I see a funny 
cigarette, but I may be wrong.  France was the first place I heard about marijuana, and I believe I 
recall a fellow named Tony clueing me on that. 

I had never seen the overhead view of the school and hospital, and was surprised by the size. One 
of my "adventures" there involved somehow wandering into the medical library at the hospital, 
where I was allowed to sit and read, even though I clearly recall warnings about the hospital being 
off limits. 

The music choices were on target, too. 

Thanks for all your work! 

Cheralyn Hendrix Powers


From:  "Jill Murphy Spackman" <> 
Subject: pin found in yard 
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 00:55:52 -0700 

I live in Maurertown Virginia.  I rent a pre civil war house there.  While gardening, I found a
pin of a bird with outstretched wings in blue and white, bearing a banner saying "Verdun". I'm 
curious if this has any connection to your school, or if it is a reference to a town in France,
noted in WWI.  Ironically, I found your sight while searching my neighbors name, "Red" Irwin, a
former football coach and FBI employee, but  I haven't found him on your site.  It is such a 
weird coincedence, I couldn't help but inquire.  I will ask him about it, but if you have any 
info, let me know.
Jill Spackman

To: <> 
From: "Candy French" <>
Subject: Just a note! 
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 17:00:15 -0500 
All Verdun students, graduates, faculty,
The Website and photos, etc. make me both happy and sad.  I wish we all had the age of
 "innocence" of the "60's!   Gee, wasn't life easier before we knew about "stress", cigarettes, 
chloresterol, Viet Nam, drugs, depression, divorce, and alcohol? Hey, if we were lucky, we had
a telephone, and radio. We now have to deal with Cell phones,
TV, Fax machines, Email, and we are all running faster and faster - going "where"?
My husband & I will be @ the "2000 Reunion" in San Antonio, TX. Pictures make me sad  - 
gives me the reality of  aging, although my mind (not body) says I'm 18.
Marilynn (Candy) Chandler (now French)

Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 09:09:41 -0600
Subject: reunion
From: Claire E Wise <>
Hi:  I don't have internet yet but do have email.  I met a lot of you at the reunion in Dallas.  I was 
in Verdun l953-56 and have some of my best school memories there.  Am considering the fall 
reunion if possible.
Have you ever been contacted by any of the kids from my time?  I have hunted for them over 
the years but never have come up with anything.  I attended 7,8, and 9th grade in Verdun and 
have a yearbook, which I took with me to Dallas from 1955; the first yearbook for Verdun.  
Do you have anyone in you inquiries from that time.  My name then as now was 
Claire Elaine Wise.  Would so like to find some of them. 
Thanks so much for anything you can help me with.  
Claire E. Wise
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 16:54:41 EDT 
From:Jenelle Peterson <>
Subject: Former Students 

Hi John:
I am Jenelle Peterson - class of 1961 - Chateauroux France - you and I have 
communicated before.
I'm sending you info about my brothers - Eric (Cave City, AR) and Stephan 
Peterson (Temple, TX)  - They attended Verdun when they were in the 6th and 
8th grades, respectfully, which would have been in 1964.  My brothers do not 
have computers.
If you need other information for your database, please contact me and I will 
supply the rest.
By the way - your website is wonderful.
Best regards,
Jenelle Peterson

From: Michael W Hicks  <>
Subject: Info.
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 14:24:39 -0400

Just a short note to let you know how much I appreciate the Verdun American High School 
web page.  Over the years (40 in 2002 ) I have, at times, felt like a fish out of water; not really 
belonging - disconnected.  I always knew those feelings were, for the most part, attritable to 
my unique childhood.  Born in a foreign country, moving every three to four years, not having 
a home town, and a making and losing friends for the first eighteen years of my life made me 
a member of a very exclusive family.  It wasn't until I found your web page a couple of years ago 
that I realized I wasn't alone.  I knew, of course, there were others that shared similar 
backgrounds but what I didn't know was that we were reconnected through your page.  
I was estactic when I discovered your page.  There, after many years, were the names and 
pictures of old friends; some of which I have restablished contact and some for which I am 
still seeking.

Your page allowed me to connect with my past and verify that I was once part of something 

Thank You
Michael W. Hicks (Mike)
P.S. John, I would like to ask a favor.   When I was at Verdun, I established a
close relationship with the Secrest brothers and Yutta Billings.  I am aware
that Jack (Junior) died in Vietnam in 1967  but I have yet to be successful in
contacing John (Butch) Secrest.  It would appear that he and Yutta married and
are living, according to your mailing list, in California.  I have sent mail to
that address only to have it returned and, I cannot locate a phone number.
Could you please see what you can do to locate a more current address or phone
number.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.  
If anyone has information as to how to contact John (Butch) Secrest please get in
touch with Mike via e-mail at:   <>
Bill Harmon -

From: Preston <>
Subject: Verdun pics
Date:  Wed, 08 Mar 2000 06:04:37 -0500
Dear Bill Harmon.  

I was in the Army, stationed in Verdun, May- October 62.    Loved the place 
and took a bunch of photos which i have kept.   I have been in touch with Joe Cooper keeping 
my memory alive about the place.   Have not revisited Verdun, but have been to Paris again on 
two trips back.  Here are two jpg copies of scenes I loved while there.
Thanks for the great page.   I did not know many there, only the guys in my unit, the depot at 
the casern next to the French Army barrocks.   I used the craft room photo lab a lot. That would 
be at Maginot.  Across the road.  I became very good friends with Margaret Perry at the Library.  
Richard Smith is the soldier at the gate.   I have lost touch with both.   Maybe I can find them on 
the internet somewhere.

Here is what I have so far.    Will get around to digitizing all my old photos if I live long enough.  
Would love to keep in touch with anyone like Joe who has a love for the place.    


This is Richard Smith under the other gate on
the hill near the Cathedral.  Summer of 1962.


The fellow on the bike was a soldier from Arizona.  
His dad was a professor....Forget his name.