Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 15:45:16 -0500
From: "Sharon James" <>
Subject: Hello there


My time in Verdun was very short, from Jan 63 - June 63, then we shipped out to Lakenheath, England for the rest of our tour. I was but a lowly townie/freshman, but I did recognize one name you have listed, Chris Rader. He and I went to a dance together.

I would like to know if anyone knows Julie Rahn or Terry (Terrance) Graves? She and I were in choir together and Terry was my mad crush the entire time I was in France. He and I worked for the Red Cross in the hospital, then he also worked at the PX for a while. Ahhh, the memories!

In 1966 - 67 I met a girl in Alexandria, LA, who was wearing her class ring from Verdun and we worked together for a short time, but for the love of me I can't remember her name! She was a cute red head with lots of freckles.

Sharon Wittman - Class of '66
Sharon D. James